
  • Type:Standard Procedure Change Process
  • Submitter:IMO
  • Title:一个mendments to Market Procedure for IMS Interface
  • Date Submitted:30 August 2013
  • Current Status:The amended Market Procedure commenced on 2 October 2013.
Event Date Comments
Procedure Change Proposal published 30/08/2013
Submission Period 30/08/2013 - 27/09/2013 The submission period is 20 Business Days from the date the IMO published the notification
Procedure Change Report published 01/10/2013 Can be published any time after the end of the submission period
一个mended Procedure Commences 02/10/2013

Documents related to this Procedure Change Proposal

Procedure Change Proposal[53kB]

Proposed Amended Market Procedure for IMS Interface[1.8MB]

Procedure Change Report[459kB]

Final Amended Market Procedure (marked up)[1.8MB]

Final Amended Market Procedure (clean)[1.8MB]

Submissions received during the further consultation period

Community Electricity[28kB]

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