Hub Message Management V2

API Reference
Postman Collection

Getting Started

About the API

Participants can use v2 of this API to receive B2B and B2M stop file and message acknowledgment payload validation failure alerts.

  1. B2M Stop files:

    • CR: Counts change request activity for the current business day

    • CR NOTIFICATION: Counts change requests related future notification activity.

    • NSRD NOTIFICATION: Counts the number of unprocessed NSRD (5071) transactions queued in MSATS.

    • NSRD RESPONSE: Like the unprocessed NSRD RESPONSE except that it counts the change request responses due to be delivered to the initiating MDP.

    • OUTBOX FILE: Counts the number of unacknowledged outbound B2M messages and accounts for these against the receiving participant.

    • REPORT: Counts the number of unprocessed reports submitted and queued.

  2. B2B Stop files:

    • OUTBOX FILE: Counts the number of unacknowledged B2B outbound messages and accounts for these against the receiving participant.

  3. B2M message acknowledgment payload validation failure alerts (badack).

  4. B2B消息确认有效载荷验证失败ure alerts (badack).

Getting Access

To use the HubMessageManagementv2 APIs Participants must:

  1. Be a Registered Participant with a Participant ID

  2. Register with AEMO to use APIs.

  3. Request an AEMO e-Hub SSL certificate.

  4. Set up your Participant API Gateway to receive AEMO Pushed alert messages.

  5. Build the APIs needing implementation at the Participant API Gateway according to the specifications in the Guide to NEM Retail B2M APIs.

During formal onboarding, you will first be given access toPre-Productionand must complete your development/testing there prior to getting access toProduction.

External Docs

Below are a list of external links for additional context to the API or Program:

API Details

Authentication Methods

This API is using the following Security Policies:

Note:The TLS certificates used to access Pre-Production are different from those used to access Production.


Below are the base URLs used for this API:


Base URL

Data Type

Pre-Production Internet Entry

Test Data

Pre-Production MarketNet Entry

Test Data

Production Internet Entry

Live Data

Production MarketNet Entry

Live Data


Paths, Headers, Request Body and Responses can be found in theAPI Reference(OpenAPI Spec).