
API Reference
Postman Collection


About the API

The B2BMessagingAsync API is used to send and receive B2B messages between the participants in an asynchronous fashion.

The Initiator ‘pushes’ their outgoing message to the e-Hub, and the e-Hub ‘pushes’ the message to the Recipient. The message delivery between the Initiator and the Recipient occurs in an asynchronous manner such as: initiator sends the message to the e-Hub and expects the outcome (such as MACKs, TACKs, responses) in a different API call.

Getting Access

AEMO provisions access to participants or intending participants in accordance with the accreditation process outlined in theB2B e-Hub Accreditation Process.

During formal onboarding, you will first be given access toPre-Productionand must complete your development/testing there prior to getting access toProduction.


Q: Can I send my message in JSON?

No. The B2B Messaging APIs only support xml payloads, specifically the aseXML standard. For details on how to use the aseXML format see:aseXML standards

External Docs

Below are a list of external links for additional context to the API or Program:

API Details

Authentication Methods

This API is using the following Security Policies:

Note:The TLS certificates used to access Pre-Production are different from those used to access Production.


Below are the base URLs used for this API:


Base URL

Data Type

前期制作中ternet Entry


Test Data

Pre-Production MarketNet Entry


Test Data

Production Internet Entry


Live Data

Production MarketNet Entry


Live Data


Paths, Headers, Request Body and Responses can be found in theAPI Reference(OpenAPI Spec).