Consumer Data Right

API Reference
Postman Collection

Getting Started

About the API

The Consumer Data Right (CDR) APIs allow Registered Financially Responsible Market Participants (FRMPs) to service API requests for AEMO data from Accredited Data Recipients.

CDR api由一组api定义的the Consumer Data Standards Body (DSB) for energy secondary data holdershere.

As permitted under provisions for Shared Responsibility Data Requests, additional mandatory parameters have been specified under API request headers to allow for AEMO security protocols.

Registered FRMPs can use the following APIs to obtain AEMO held consumer data for Consumer Data Right purposes only in response to requests from an Accredited Data Recipient.

  1. getServicePoints – request high level standing data for multiple NMIs

  2. getServicePointDetail – request detailed standing data for a single NMI

  3. getDERForServicePoint – request distributed energy resource information for a single NMI

  4. getDERForSpecificServicePoints – request distributed energy resource information for multiple NMIs

  5. getUsageForServicePoint – request up to 24 months of meter data for a single NMI

  6. getUsageForSpecificServicePoints – request up to 24 months of meter data for multiple NMIs.

Getting Access

To use the CDR APIs Participants must:

  1. Be a Registered Financially Responsible Market Participant (FRMP) with a Participant ID

  2. Have an MSATS user ID with the required Participant User Rights Management (URM) entity granted to it

  3. Register with AEMO to use APIs

During formal onboarding, you will first be given access to Pre-Production and must complete your development/testing there prior to getting access to Production.

External Docs

Below are a list of external links for additional context to the API or Program:

API Details

Authentication Methods

This API is using the following Security Policies:

Note:The TLS certificates used to access Pre-Production are different from those used to access Production.

Base URLs

Below are the base URLs used for this API:


Base URL

Data Type


Test-Data (snapshot of production)

MarketNet Entry Pre-Production{resource}

Test-Data (snapshot of production)


Live Data

MarketNet Entry Production{resource}

Live Data


Paths, Headers, Request Body and Responses can be found in theAPI Reference(OpenAPI Spec).